Weekend Things

It feels like this weekend passed by in a blur! We had a low-key Friday in, an early-morning swim lesson on Saturday, lots of outdoor time and two really good dinners for me. One with Hannah and one with Joey, so even though I feel kind of frazzled today, at least I’m well-fed! (Why did this intro have so many hyphens?? πŸ˜‚)

Just a normal Friday, working from home. When I dropped the kids off at Grandma’s, Lydia brought me a piece of dog food and told me “eat” and the three of them (Delaney was there too!) were throwing Easter basket grass all over the living room 😲 Joey brought them back home just as I was finishing up dinner. The same filling for all of us, but served three ways πŸ˜… With them both going through nap transitions, they have been tired so early and bedtime always comes sooner than I expect/wish, but it is what it is for now. Got them both down and watched the first episode of Top Chef. It’s back!

Joey took Dempsey skiing for the first time this past Wednesday and they had a great (but tiring!) time, so we skipped Dempsey’s swim lesson and rescheduled for Saturday morning at 8:20, which sounded fine and not too early since we’re all usually up by 7 at the latest but I forgot to factor in drive time and the fact that we’d have to be out of the house in the 7 o’clock hour 😱 We also didn’t fully realize that until we had already started making waffles, so breakfast was a bit rushed and we literally ran out the door the second our last bites were in our mouths πŸ˜‚ Anyway, he had a good lesson and we all got to go! I think Sissy had fun “watching” and wandering around in there. Back at home, we played outside then walked over to the Cottage Bakery for pastries and bread, then I put Lydi down for her nap.

Post-nap, my girl ate lunch and Joey and Dempsey walked over to the basketball court. Once lunch was done, Lyds and I joined them. She chased and carried the ball all over while Dempsey did things like walk along the lines painted on the court, picked up random things he found on the ground and ran back and forth through the whole in the tennis net πŸ˜‚ I guess we know who will be our athlete and who takes after me! Walked back home and I gave them both a much-needed bath while Joey cooked dinner and then I headed out to meet Hannah for happy hour at Teocalli in Arvada. We talked for three hours and I still don’t think we covered everything in either of our lives! I guess we need another moms night out πŸ˜‹ The kids were asleep by the time I got back, so we started Enola Holmes 2 (which we’ve been meaning to watch for so long!) but didn’t make it far because I was about to fall asleep on the couch!

Started Sunday with breakfast sandwiches Γ  la Joey. I had mine on some of the sourdough we bought the day before and it was amazing! Afterward, I hung with the kids while they played, then later on took a shower and made salads for the week. Felt nice not having much of an agenda for the day so I could do stuff like lay in the closet-turned-playroom upstairs with the kids falling over me and the string lights blinking me into a stroke up there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But for real, it was fun if not also chaotic.

Ended the evening with a much-anticipated dinner at one of Denver’s newly Michelin-starred restaurants, BrutΓΈ! We originally had reservations for the weekend before Valentine’s Day but rescheduled when we realized it was the same day as the Super Bowl. It was quite the experience!!! We knew it would be an 11-course meal but had no idea what to expect otherwise. Turns out it’s a small space and there were just 18 diners there, with the kitchen/bar featured in the middle and a counter where we all sat, surrounding/facing it. I definitely ate a few things that I had to not really think about (turns out I’m not as adventurous as I thought!) but otherwise, it was all delicious and I tasted some flavors I’d NEVER tasted before. Our favorite course was the boar-stuffed pasta served with the fluffiest piada bread and salted butter on the side, but how cool is that pear mold filled with the freshest and creamiest mouse?? I loved it! We were a little sad we didn’t choose to do the cocktail pairing as well but maybe next time πŸ˜‰

Wishing everyone a good week!

Weekend Things

Hello and Happy Monday. Did everyone have a nice St. Patrick’s Day weekend? We had a huge snowstorm at the end of last week and after being housebound with the kids for two days, I was ready to dogsled them Grandma Lori’s come Friday morning. Or, at least, drive Joey’s truck πŸ˜‹ How do stay-at-home parents do it?? We had a low-key Friday, hit up the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday morning, took a walk to a coffee shop that afternoon, then played and did chores on Sunday until my family came over for corned beef and cabbage.

The kids and Joey came home with this “Oscar” for me on Friday πŸ˜‚ I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here yet, but Lydi and I’s breastfeeding journey has officially come to and end. So bittersweet because she and I had it so good and easy the entire 15 months we did it for, but I was ready to be done and girlfriend is such a good solid food eater, I felt confident she didn’t need it calorie-wise. Post-award ceremony, we had wings for dinner, put the kids to bed and started a movie.

Saturday morning, Dempsey and I made us all some whole wheat banana pancakes that I thought were a little gloopy but no one else seemed to mind. We were debating taking the kids to the parade, so we asked Dempsey and he was SO enthusiastic about going! Got there with ten minutes to spare and stayed for about an hour. It was a good time! The kids got beads, bubbles and candy, plus we saw bagpipes, firetrucks and jump ropers. Took a pedicab two blocks back to our car afterward and I felt judged by everyone we passed for having two small children on the back of a moving vehicle without seatbelts πŸ˜‹

Back at home, we played outside, Lydi took a nap — the two to one nap transition is in effect right now! — Dempsey and I ate lunch and then, when our re-scheduled house cleaning happened, we vacated to Convivio for a mid-day pick me up. Dempsey literally fell asleep in the stroller five minutes into the walk πŸ€ͺ Lydi had her first steamer and chugged the whole thing πŸ˜… Back at home, I made the ugliest-looking cream of mushroom soup and just when I was convinced my kids would be absolutely disgusted by how it looked, they both wolfed it down πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I guess I don’t know them at all! After they were both asleep, Joey and I finished Next Goal Wins and we unfortunately did not love it.

We started Sunday with breakfast sandwiches by Joey πŸ₯° The kids are playing together more and more these days and it’s so sweet. Dempsey is always surprising me by how non-possessive he can be over his own toys and how naturally he’s able to teach Lydia to do what he’s doing. He can be so helpful sometimes 🀍 While Lydia was down for her nap, he and I took a trip to the store, then came home for lunch and this little Easter food craft. Took us all of ten minutes to make them and he only ate two Twinkie innards, a Peep, some mini Oreos and several handfuls of chocolate covered pretzels in that time πŸ˜‚ Got our little girl dressed and ready for guests and then my mom brought over apps and dinner for all of us. Dempsey ate cheese and dessert and wouldn’t even try the corned beef but Lydi seemed into it. Joey had a fantasy baseball draft, so he disappeared and I put both kids to bed, said goodbye to my family and read for a bit. Once he was done, we started the new episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm then went to bed. Last night, Dempsey slept in his room all by himself for the first time in like three weeks, so cheers to that!