Mother’s Day Weekend 2024

How was everyone’s weekend? Ours was BUSY and I’m already feeling burnt out on May when we’re only 13 days in 😩 I fit in too many appointments on Friday, followed by two Saturday events and then we hosted Mother’s Day brunch at our house. To top it all off, we’ve been doing some sleep training with our Lydi girl and it has me feeling pretty emotional. All that being said, it was a lovely Mother’s Day and I felt so loved and appreciated and thankful to be a mom and have so many wonderful moms by my side 🩷🥰

Got my toes fixed, my nails done, my groceries delivered, dinner cooked and did some work on Friday and then we had a relaxing dinner at home with the kids. We ended up hiring a sleep consultant to help us with both kids so we started with Lydi on Friday and I won’t lie, bedtime was rough 😢 She slept through the night for the first time in a looooong time though and I even had to wake her up in the morning!

Saturday morning, we got ourselves ready and headed out for breakfast at Rise & Shine. Lydi can’t eat eggs or a biscuit but she loves a hash brown! Dempsey wanted a plain biscuit with jam then asked for some of my sausage and egg and made himself a sandwich 😂 Afterward, we took them to the park at Sloan’s Lake to play before the Cystic Fibrosis walk. It was a really nice morning for it 😊 Got everyone back home for lunch and got Lydia down for her nap then packed back up and headed to Senora’s first birthday party. It was such a sweet celebration and what a joy to see all the kids together. Dempsey got nailed in the head by a football but it was otherwise a lovely time. Back at home, leftovers, bath and bedtime for the kids and then me falling asleep on the couch afterward 😂

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommies! I woke up to presents from my babies (and their dad) then had until 10 to get ourselves and the house ready for brunch. It was a really nice gathering. Crazy to think Lauren was going to the hospital last Mother’s Day and now Landon is days away from turning 1! We all hung out till noonish when Lydia went down for her nap and then everyone else packed up and left. Afterward, Joey, Dempsey and I rested on the couch. Once Lydia was back up, I played with the kids while Joey took over salad making duty for me. Then the sun came out!!! So we spent the rest of the afternoon outside, which was so refreshing. Leftovers for dinner and then the roughest night yet with Lydia at bedtime. She did sleep through the night again though, so I hope we are doing the right thing for her and all of us.

Happy Monday!

Weekend Things

It’s May and it’s go time! We have a beyond busy month and after feeling behind all day on Saturday, I’m determined to stay ahead of the game from here on out. We went to a very special wedding on Friday, celebrated a first birthday on Saturday and went to the Botanic Gardens for my mother-in-law’s birthday on Sunday. Busy but wonderful 🤍

Courtney & Philip are married! We are so happy for them and had the best time celebrating this special occasion. Two hawks were flying overhead during the ceremony and I thought it was such a cool moment 🤍 Joey and I danced too much, I was so tired afterward 😂

Our children decided to punish us for leaving them home on Friday by waking up at 6 AM 😩🥱 Joey and Dempsey went back to bed but Lydi and I were up for the day! After the boys were up, Joey made us all waffles and I went to grab some coffee beans because were completely out. We didn’t have plans until 3 PM but somehow, the day SPED by. I literally don’t even know what we did all day. It was a beautiful day at the park, celebrating Aleia’s first birthday and all the kids had fun playing together. We left around 5 and I rushed to get dinner together. Dempsey wanted to eat outside and that was fine by me. I had cooked some chicken in the crockpot and used it to make BBQ sandwiches, along with some slaw and sweet potato fries. Joey put Lydi to bed while Dempsey and I played in the backyard and then I got him to bed, at which point, Lydia woke back up. Her sleep’s been a mess lately and it’s always something — teething, a cold, a stomachache 😣

We had such a nice Sunday! Lori wanted to celebrate her birthday with something outdoors so I suggested the Botanic Gardens. It was a little bit cloudy and chilly when we first got there but after lunch, the sun came out and it was perfect. We stopped into the children’s garden first thing and Dempsey was having the most fun running back and forth across a little bridge. Over in the main garden, the tulips were still out but looking a little more wilted than when we were there two weeks ago. Lots of new stuff had popped up though!! Back at home, we all rested and then did some toy rotation. How come all of the Instagram reels I see make it look so simple but I was sweating from going up and down the stairs to the basement a million times?? Anyway, it felt nice to get that done. I opted not to make salads this week and I’m sure it’ll come back to bite me later but I won’t lie, it was wonderful not fitting that in. Leftovers for dinner and playtime after and then both kids went to bed. Woke up at 1 AM to Dempsey in our room and Lydia had thrown up in her bed. I think she’s teething again so she’s been really off and I’m hoping that’s all it is 😢

Happy Monday!