Weekend Things

Hello from my new routine of bouncing on my yoga ball, eating dates, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, walking and responding to texts asking if I’ve had this baby yet. I have not! I know it’s not even his due date yet, but dang, I so thought this baby was going to come early, so it’s sort of killing me that he’s not. Both Joey and I were born three days late, so maybe baby just wants to continue the pattern πŸ™‚ Here’s what this weekend looked like!

Extremely thankful that my indigestion has actually basically subsided instead of becoming worse in these last few weeks of pregnancy. Mostly so I could stop avoiding spicy food (another wives’ tale for inducing labor). We decided to try an Indian place right around the corner and um… why don’t we eat more Indian food?? So good! My mouth was on FIRE, but it was worth it. Didn’t do the trick though 😦

After dinner, we stood across the street to admire the Halloween lights Joey put up earlier in the day (I love them!) then headed back inside and queued up The Trial of the Chicago 7. Even though I was making a “too many men!” joke beforehand, I really liked it! I thought Sacha Baron Cohen was marvelous and only the last ten-ish minutes started to feel slightly cheesy to me.

Saturday started with ricotta pancakes (my fav!) and then who knows what we did! Every weekend day is a blur of me sitting on the couch, watching random things on TV, looking at my phone and feeling impatient πŸ˜‚

Joey spent some time voting (Andi was being really helpful I think!) and I was out admiring the fall colors on our tree. I love that we have a pretty pink one in our own backyard! Oh and we did take a long walk that afternoon too. I really love seeing all the cute houses in our new neighborhood, plus all the Halloween decor they’re dressed in right now.

We took a trip to the office and when we got back we pulled out leftovers for dinner then watched this unfortunately titled film. I tried to search it through the voice command button and my TV told me it didn’t respond to such language πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I read a favorable Vanity Fair review but I actually thought this movie was just okay. I did appreciate how vulnerable, sensitive and emotional the main male character was though ❀ We watched this week’s episode of The Great British Bake Off afterward to fill the time before SNL. I feel like the only time I see Justin Bieber is on SNL and I always think he’s good??

It was so gloomy on Sunday morning and our room was so dark but I somehow managed to wake up at a normal hour and decided to order us some Snooze while Joey… uh snoozed. My egg came over hard (ew) but otherwise, I really love their shrimp and grits. We got a pumpkin pancake on the side and it was so good! We also finished up SNL.

No joke, I felt like I just sat on the couch/my yoga ball for the rest of the day. We bundled up to walk at some point though! Before dinner we watched the last episode of Unorthodox, which I thought was really good! Joey made us dinner ❀ and it was delicious. Love a fall feeling pasta with at least four different kinds of cheese! After dinner, we decided to get back on our Hitchcock binge and pulled up Marnie. That movie is… weird. The psychological stuff at the end was interesting but I was deeply uncomfortable at the way Sean Connery’s character treated Tippi Hedron’s. I hope you all had a good weekend!

Weekend Things

Is this not the best time of year?? Fall by morning and evening, summer by day. It’s the best of both worlds! And aside from enjoying this fall/summer limbo, we did our best to stay busy this weekend and I think we did a good job!

My mom and sister both have significant others who do not eat gluten or dairy and are forever wishing they could just cook some pasta or eat a sandwich for dinner, so we’ve started up a little Girls Cooking Club where they can do just that! My sis was in charge of dinner, so we all met at my parents’ and I basically just sat there as my mom served me deviled eggs and tomatoes with balsamic and then my sister fed me Cacio e Pepe, so it all worked out for me πŸ˜‹ A definite downside was that when I walked in, the news was reporting the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and what a hit to the heart that was πŸ˜₯ I was glad to be in the company of two women who get it though. I brought Smith + Cannon ice cream for dessert and then finally returned home feeling full and happy.

I hope I like breakfast again when I’m no longer pregnant, because the struggle is real. Saturday morning, we finally landed on OneFold breakfast burritos that Joey offered to go pick up when the delivery wait time was something like an hour and I didn’t think I’d make it. We sat out in the back yard to eat, then took the pup on a morning walk?? Who are we! Back at home, we started our Red Cross first aid course online.

We had been waiting in anticipation for the sneak peek of the maternity photo shoot we did last Wednesday, so when they popped up on Instagram that afternoon, we were so very excited. Jo shot our wedding at Cheesman six years ago, so it only felt right that she shot our maternity photos there as well and gosh, I am IN LOVE with how they turned out and can’t wait to see the rest!

Around 2, we drove over to Hannah and Josh’s and got to sit out on their back deck with them for a few hours and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Little Henry is just the cutest and most chill and Mason woke up from his nap and came out to show up his toy plane collection. He did have to correct me at one point because some of them are biplanes πŸ˜‚ But actually my favorite part was when he stole Hannah’s phone and was texting someone and when she tried to pry it away from him, he yelled “I’m texting Joey and Lauren!” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Anyway, it was so soul nourishing to see them all and I can’t wait till we can add our little boy to the group!

We cooked up a fall-ish pizza for dinner and man was it good! And then our Hitchcock binge continued with Rear Window and we really liked it! Gotta say, my favorite was when Lisa and Stella sort of took over. They were great!! I should mention the fire alarm in our room randomly went off a few times in the middle of the night?? We reset it and it seemed to be fine after that but Andi was TOTALLY wigged out by it. We let him come up into our bed and he kept jolting awake and barking at the ceiling, poor little puppy!

Sunday started with butternut pancakes (since we had already opened the can for pizza the night before) and YUM, FALL! We lounged for a little bit, then put a pork shoulder in the oven for pulled pork later on (!!), and worked on our first aid course till lunchtime. I think the afternoon was spent watching sports for Joey and reading/doing my nails for me and some napping for Andi. We also finished up our first aid course and I hope I never ever have to use infant CPR, but I definitely feel better knowing it!

So, the pork. It was my first time ever making pulled pork and I don’t know that it went totally smoothly. All the brown sugar in the rub seemed to burn to an absolute crisp on the bottom of our Dutch oven and the outside of the pork was so tough, but everything inside was at least tender. Wish I’d had WAY more BBQ sauce than the 1-2 cups the recipe called for though. We at least had enough for our two dinner sandwiches and even though the recipe kind of seemed like a fail, it tasted really good!!! Made us some coleslaw for on top and on the side, then froze the rest of the pork for post-baby dinners.

We ended the night with a Nuggets game, Big Brother, Emmys triple feature and even though toward the end of the Emmys, I was begging for it to be over (help, I get tired so early nowadays!), I thought it was kind of a good show. Glad we had watched Schitt’s Creek and Succession so we could celebrate those wins! Hope you had a good weekend!