Weekend Things

Hi and how was your Valentine’s weekend??  Ours started with a house viewing, included three movies at home and ended with buffalo chicken tacos, so I am not complaining!


We saw a BEAUTIFUL house on Friday and it even had this J+L sign in the backyard!!!  We put in a really strong offer, but we didn’t get it 😦 so the search continues!


I had made us a dinner reservation at Annette (we’ve been for brunch, but never for dinner) and though it was good, I was sort of put off by how small the “share” plates were and how long the gap between our first two dishes and our entree was.  We contemplated dessert, but decided to ditch out and head to Sweet Cow for ice cream instead ♥


Saturday started with chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes and later on, I had a manicure.  I’ve basically spent a lifetime having manicurists chastise me for not taking better care of my cuticles and it takes all my patience not to be like “YES, I KNOW!”  Anyway, my color is called Terra and I’m loving it!  We also maybe looked at four houses, but none of them were “the one.”


Back at home, we watched The Host — now that Parasite has won Best Picture, we must watch all Bong Joon-Ho’s other movies, though we can’t find Memories of Murder anywhere!! — and I thought it was great!  I’m just saying, that movie came out in 2006 and that CGI monster really holds up, plus that ending duel scene was pretty badass.  After that, we ate leftover soup and watched The Departed.  Leo was amazing, Matt Damon’s Boston accent is truly what I live for and I did not see that ending coming, but sort of feels like Martin Scorsese makes movies for and about men, you know?


Sunday started at a very busy Onefold — I won’t subject you to another photo of their breakfast burrito 😛 — and then we jumped right into our Sunday chores, including salads for the week and I made granola and roasted a beet (for beet brioche burger buns later this week!) while Joey did laundry and worked for a bit.  I hit up yoga later on and then we made Buffalo Chicken Tacos (from a recipe my sister gave me ♥) and watched Mother.  I thought Kim Hye-ja, who played the titular character was AMAZING!!!  We only have Snowpiercer and Okja left!

Please tell me what you did this weekend, I’d love to hear 🙂

Weekend Things

It’s almost Christmas, God help us!  Kidding, but sort of serious, because our headcount for Christmas lunch is 25 people, we have not one but two turkeys in our fridge, there are cinnamon rolls and apple pie bars, plus just random ingredients all over our house and I’ve yet to watch Scrooged!  Then again, presents are all wrapped and we had some much needed responsibility-free fun this weekend, so maybe it’s not so bad 😛


Felt like we were movie-ing it up in recent months, but as the year comes to a close, I think movie release season is slowing down too.  Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker came out on Friday so, naturally, we saw Bombshell instead 😛  It was one of those really big theaters and it was full!  We actually really liked this movie.  What an INSANE story.  And insane that it happened only a couple of years ago and I still didn’t really know what happened.  They didn’t play Billie Eilish’s “Bad Guy” at all though!  How dare they!


Saturday, we woke up and made chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes and YUM!  Remind me to make these more often.  Afterward, we hit the grocery store — something we were both dreading — and it really wasn’t so bad.  No lines at the check out even!  Back at home, I made cinnamon rolls x2 — I wonder when I will figure out how to get these to uniformly rise?? — then we wrapped presents.  Such productivity!


That night we had dinner at 3 Sons Italian Restaurant then headed to the Arvada Center to see A Christmas Carol and dang, it was so good!!!  This is the third show I’ve seen at this theater and I’ve been so impressed by all of them.  The seats, the sets and the performers are truly amazing.  Thank you to Lori for getting us tickets to see this ♥

Don’t think we didn’t rush home to watch Eddie Murphy on SNL!  I wasn’t exactly alive during his original tenure but I think we all know those characters he was famous for and he did not disappoint by reprising all of them.  Also, what a moment when he stood on stage with Tracy Morgan, Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock and Kenan Thompson!  I loved Lizzo’s performances too!  What a show!!!


I got up Sunday morning and walked over to Black Eye Coffee for a latte and a piece of coffee cake before meeting my mom and sister at Base Coat ♥  I got Demi because I always get Demi 🙂  They took me back home afterward and upon seeing my house, my sister said something like “stuff is happening in here!”  Joey had already made salads and started laundry but then I helped make apple pie bars for Christmas Eve dessert and made cranberry sauce for Christmas lunch.  Joey hit Whole Foods for us and picked up our turkeys — two smaller ones instead of one huge one! — and a few other things and when he got back, I headed out to yoga.

Back at home, we finished watching Big Little Lies, Season 2 — I thought it was just fine! — then made dinner and popped in The Holiday 🙂  Please tell me how your weekend was!