Memorial Day Weekend 2020

Well, we didn’t go to a Rockies game or do any gardening or run the Bolder Boulder or host a family BBQ, but MDW 2020 was the best it could be considering the circumstances.  We still ate Blue Pan pizza, watched a bunch of movies, spent some time with family, grilled bratwurst and to top it all off, I got to attend our virtual book club, so while it may have been different from any other year, it was still good and happy ♥


Um, how is Blue Pan so good?!  Well worth the indigestion I had after eating it (a fun new daily pregnancy symptom :P).  Afterward, we watched The Lovebirds, which I won’t say is a good movie, but is at least a funny movie.  I laughed SO HARD at that milkshake monologue Kumail gave.


Andi was busy taking 300 naps on Saturday, while Joey was busy doing a little project in our back room.  We’ve been trying to rent out our house and a huge drawback seemed to be our “second bedroom,” which is already small and probably felt even smaller since we had a bunch of boxes we’d packed stacked up in there.  Thursday afternoon, Joey felt inspired to clean out the boxes, then that turned into re-flooring the room somehow.  I wasn’t going to interfere and I’m glad I didn’t because it turned out so nice.  WHY DIDN’T WE DO THIS YEARS AGO??  We made black bean + tempeh tacos for dinner and watched Laggies, which I’d seen recommended last week after the death of the director, Lynn Shelton and… I’m sorry, but it was really not good.  Oh well!


Sunday morning, Joey went golfing (I finally gave in!) and we had showings from 9-noon, so Andi and I hid out at my parents’, where my mom fed me a blueberry scone and bacon quiche that were both SO GOOD, my dad entertained me with Quarantine Life videos and my little sissy even joined us, which was the happiest surprise.  My mom showed us this box of our baby stuff, including our baby books and this teensy t-shirt one of us had.  I cannot believe how small newborns are! ♥  Back at home, I sat outside for a little bit until the rain clouds rolled in and when Joey got home, we watched the 1994 version of Little Women (which we’d watched a few years ago after I finished the book, but had to watch again now that Joey’s finished the book).  Gotta say… it’s pretty damn good!!!  We also watched Shoplifters and it was really interesting and sad as hell.


Memorial Day!  Felt weird to not wake up early and run the Bolder Boulder but also pretty nice, plus Joey had made us buttermilk waffles.  I don’t know why we make any other kind because these are clearly superior!  I spent a good chunk of the day finishing my book club book, Circe by Madeline Miller and I absolutely LOVED it!  If you’re into Greek mythology (or even if you’re not), I highly recommend it.  Then I made us some potato salad for later and did some yoga.  We grilled bratwurst to have alongside our potato salad for dinner and then Joey went to watch some scary movie while I “went” to book club.  I hadn’t been in months (um, reading is hard when you’re falling asleep on the couch at 8 PM every night), and it felt SO GOOD to be back!  I was in the best mood for the rest of the night ♥

I hope you made the best of your Memorial Day Weekend too!

Weekend Things

Yikes.  It has taken me three days to get this post up and let that serve as proof that work has been hell and life has been busy!  But back to the weekend, which was, in many ways, wonderful and in other ways, tough.  We got to see a Rockies win on Friday night, I got to spend Saturday evening with my mom at the Shakespeare Festival and we ended the weekend with an incredible concert at Red Rocks.

If you’re a long-time reader or a real life friend, you know that Joey had a dog named Tonka when we first met, but due to our living situation and probably my unwillingness to live with a dog who escaped a lot and also tried to bite me a lot and that one time the police came because he was barking “like there was a dead body inside the apartment.”  Anyway, he lived with Lori for a while before moving in with Joey’s uncle and grandparents, but his health took a turn for the worst last week and he passed away this weekend 😦  He was 13 but it’s still sad.  Beside that sad news, I was just in a weird funk on Sunday, plus two mass shootings in one weekend means I’m not feeling much happier today.  How about you guys?


Like I said, it started out pretty good.  We hit up Biker Jim’s for dinner before the game and why is it that I like Joey’s dog better than the one I order every time??  Wild Boar was pretty good but not my favorite.  How amazing was the sky over the Rockies game though??



On Friday night, I told Joey I couldn’t wait for my favorite part of the weekend.  Which, despite what you (and Joey) may think, is NOT going to the Farmers’ Market.  It’s cuddling with my dog!  Look how sweet he looks with his little head on my shoulder!  Anyway, we had enough time to make and eat pancakes for breakfast before hopping on our bikes and making our way to Union Station.  I got three huge peaches and was my happiest self, as evidenced by that picture of me on my bike.  At home, we did a MAJOR garden overhaul that included picking beets, a billion carrots, shishitos, snap peas and some chard with thee prettiest pink stems.  Joey lounged for about 7 minutes before deciding he couldn’t not work on the deck and I sat in the shade and read for what felt like hours.  Bliss!


I left the house around 5 because I had evening plans with my mom!  First, I picked us up dinner at GQue BBQ (there was a minor ordering fiasco that I won’t get into but I was annoyed), then I picked my mom up and we headed into Boulder for a picnic before seeing Romeo and Juliet at the Shakespeare Festival.  Our BBQ was really good, plus Mom brought us wine and cupcakes!  She’s too cute.  And she’s also too kind because she got us front row seats!  I kept finding myself watching with an agonized look on my face so I guess the actors were translating the emotion well 😛  In conclusion: I love my mom ♥


I had Sunday morning French toast ambitions but by the time I got out of bed it was already 8:30 and we were trying to leave by 9:30 to make it to a 10:00 movie, so I just ended up feeling rushed instead.  Don’t get me wrong, the French toast was still amazing but I felt thrown off for the rest of the day.  And also maybe tired 😛  We saw The Farewell, which I had been eagerly anticipating and… I’m not sure I loved it.  All the communication, or lack thereof had me feeling sort of confused, uncomfortable and frustrated.  Which was maybe the point.  One thing is for sure, Awkwafina is GREAT in it!


While I was out on Saturday night, Joey was putting together a deck feature surprise and I got to really see it in the daylight on Sunday.  It’s going to look AMAZING when it’s done, I just know it.  Plus it’s going to cover up the view of our neighbor’s graffiti garage and we can hang our string lights from it!


The middle of the day was spent making salads, watching Deadwood and maybe a nap for me and then we picked up dinner at Illegal Pete’s and made our way up to Red Rocks for Gregory Alan Isakov.  Even though it’s technically a school night and I was sort of tired on Monday, I really love a chill Sunday concert at Red Rocks!  We tailgated in the parking lot, burritos, beers and cookies included, then got in the amphitheater just after 7 PM.  Look, we did not love the opening band and I really wished I had had a hair tie because it was WINDY, but Gregory Alan was so so so good!!!

Please tell me about your weekend and just, in general, how you’re feeling these days.