Weekend Things

What a weekend of nothing and everything at the same time. I only say that because we are really slowing down on house decorating and baby prepping, so I found myself… bored?? But then again, there were some real highlights too. My sis came over to give me a mani/pedi and ended up getting a job offer while she was here!!! We had an outdoor movie night with Lori! And it turns out nesting is born of boredom, so we spent Sunday cleaning and I made us some peach cobbler ❀

Like everyone else, Joey and I were so saddened to hear the news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing. He was far too young. I once listened to his interview on the Hollywood Reporter podcast and was just so impressed by his commitment to all of his roles. He clearly understood how important and meaningful they were and wasn’t going to take on any portrayal without giving it his all. What a hero he was.

I feel so lucky to have a little sis who will come do my nails for me! They look so so good! After she got her job offer, we celebrated by ordering ramen from Uncle. I am so excited and happy for her!

We woke up Saturday and made ricotta pancakes. It’s a real toss up for best ever pancake between buttermilk and ricotta, but luckily we don’t have to choose. These were sooooo good! We unfortunately had a foreman pass away last week, so Joey headed out to a memorial lunch that afternoon and I parked it in the nursery rocking chair to read for a bit.

Who knows how we passed the rest of the afternoon, but that night, we had Lori over for Illegal Pete’s and then we set up the projector just as it started raining?? Luckily, it passed pretty quickly and we were able to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which Joey and I saw in theaters but not since. I still really loved it! Also it was really nice to just visit with Lori and show her the nursery ❀

And here’s Sunday by meal? In between, Joey was really going for it on the cleaning of the house and I was lounging about but then I got a burst of energy and made cobbler then deep cleaned the kitchen. We made grilled chimichurri portobellos with goat cheese mashed potatoes for dinner and YUM! My mom texted my sister and I to ask if anyone was watching the VMAs but duh, Mom, BTS was performing! I thought we had outgrown the VMAs years ago, but I actually felt like we knew most of those performers and winners, so I guess we’re getting younger now! I actually thought those remote or pre-recorded performances were great (Lady Gaga forever)! But you know who I thought was best πŸ§¨πŸ˜‹

Please tell me what you did this weekend!

Weekend Things

It was a fun and productive weekend and all I have to show for it is 20 pictures of my dog. Is it hormones or just the fact that I’m home 24/7 that’s making me extra obsessed with my bad barky puppy?? Who’s to say!

My mom invited us over for dinner on Friday night and though I’ve stopped by my parents’ a few times during this pandemic, Joey and I hadn’t been over together for any significant length of time since who knows when! Their grill died as they were grilling burgers, so my mom had to pull out the griddle but it all still turned out delicious and it was fun to see our family in a different setting.

Joey got up and went on a run Saturday morning and by the time he got home, my craving for biscuits and gravy was in full force. Andi drove us over to The Noshery and then we served ourselves up in the backyard. Look, I’m not the biscuits and gravy expert in this family, but I was disappointed by this. The biscuit was so big and kinda hard/dry and not nearly enough gravy! What can you do?

We’d been waiting till after our baby shower to really get to work on baby’s room/all that stuff that babies and parents need to survive, so we bought all the stuff left on our registry and washed all of our cloth diapers. We’re giving it a go and we’re both really excited! Doesn’t hurt that all those diaper covers are so cute ❀ We also watched What to Expect When You’re Expecting at the suggestion of Bobby and those ratings are scary but it was pretty much what I thought it’d be, dumb but I laughed.

Joey made me dinner! Third trimester exhaustion is starting to set it and I was just done for by dinner time, so I could not have appreciated his cooking more. This grilled pizza was so good!!! I think we’re going to make it again real soon. After dinner, we walked Andi and then I suggested we hit up the new ice cream place down the street. They sell Little Man flavors exclusively which means we can have Little Man ice cream without the Little Man line!!! There was NO ONE there when we stopped in, so that was wonderful and it’s just peak summer to walk home at dusk with an ice cream cone πŸ™Œ Back home, we watched The Art of Self Defense and it sure was weird but I think I liked it.

Sunday started with pancakes and then we really hit the productivity hard. Got all those diapers stuffed with liners, folded and put away, plus we washed A TON of baby clothes and got the white noise machine and nursery camera set up. Andi was NOT a fan of the white noise (though I did have it at full volume πŸ˜‹) but he’s decided the Boppy lounger is his 😍 I think we ended up making the nursery MORE of a mess but we’re getting there. We also made a trip to Target (but not before I took a full on nap — I was OUT!) for baby hangers and to return a few things.

My sister and Wayne came over at 5 to make pasta! I had a dream I invited my sister over to make some with me then needed to make it happen in real life. She basically did all the work, so I lucked out! We all walked Andi afterward so they could see his Corgi friend Teddy and then we watched Big Brother! Bleh, Memphis does not rub me the right way, but it was a good look for my fantasy team when Christmas chose Ian as her plus one for safety this week.

How was your weekend?