Weekend Things

Well we tried to make the most of this weekend, despite cold weather, another lawn mower trade-in bust and two very sick kids. We still had some good food, lots of good cuddles and, once the weather cleared up on Sunday, some much needed fresh air for all of us. I’m hoping Dempsey and Lydia can recover this week and Joey and I can stay healthy (though we both have scratchy throats already 😬) because we have an exciting weekend coming up!

Friday morning, I took the kids over to Grandma Lori’s and back at home, I worked, unloaded our grocery delivery and re-watched the 2021 West Side Story and man, is it good! Every performance perfect, every shot a literal masterpiece. Remind me why this wasn’t Best Picture?? Anyway πŸ˜‹ Went for a run later that afternoon then cleaned myself up and headed out to pick up wings for dinner. Joey got home with the kids shortly after and these hit the spot! Put the kids to bed and watched Top Chef before we went to bed.

Rain turned to snow overnight and we woke up to a wet wet day. Joey and Dempsey headed out to grab bagels to eat in the car while they waited in line to trade in the mower but then it turned out to be a standing line OUTSIDE. Lydia and I were about to head out to come rescue Dempsey — a kid with a cold definitely shouldn’t be standing outside in the snow! — when Joey called to say they were already out of tickets. Bummed we wasted two Saturday mornings on this trade-in, but what can you do?

Dempsey started to go down hill fast afterward and we basically just vegged on the couch all day. Started Migration but it just wasn’t holding any of our attentions. I made some beef quesadillas for dinner but neither kid had much appetite for it. Dempsey was literally falling asleep at the table, so Joey took him up to bed shortly after. Lydia decided her bedtime was a nap, so she ended up on the couch with us while we watched TV. She stole my tea but I forgive her, she’s too cute drinking it. Finally got her to sleep around 9:30. This cold has seriously regressed us with her sleep and I’m hoping we get back on track soon.

Dempsey had a rough night, waking himself up multiple times because he was so stuffy πŸ˜” Once we were all up for the day, Lydia and I made us some banana pancakes. Here she is having a fit because I wouldn’t let her spoon any more of the batter onto the counter/floor. Breakfast turned out really good! And then Lydi had another little fit about not being able to get her shoe on her foot. It’s been funny to see her do all the “classic” toddler tantrum stuff. Sorry, Little Miss, even when you’re made, you’re adorable.

Dempsey was so out of it all morning, so I took him upstairs to read in his bed and he fell asleep!!!! He literally hasn’t taken a nap in his bed since January. And he ended up sleeping for two and a half hours. I think he really needed it. Joey went upstairs with Lydi and I had the downstairs to myself for the first time in a long time. Got salads made and then Joey cleaned up the backyard while Lydia and I took a walk to the coffee shop. When I got back, Dempsey was up so we had a little bit of time outside together before Joey made us pork noodle bowls for dinner. Got them both to bed and actually got Lydia in her bed for the first time in a long time, we actually had some time alone at the end of the night. Just me, Joey and Ethan Coen πŸ˜‚ Started Drive-Away Dolls and I’m not sure what I think yet, but I think I know which Coen Brother is the “fun” one. Wishing you all a Happy Monday!

Weekend Things

What a weekend! We had snow and sun, chaos and peace, take out and homecooked meals. I guess we experienced it all πŸ˜‚

I had bloodwork done on Friday morning and had to fast, and not eating breakfast just feels so wrong to me! Had to revive myself with a bagel sandwich from Call Your Mother πŸ˜‹ While the kids were off at Grandma’s, I worked then got my nails done and then we picked up Ginger Pig for dinner and I think we all enjoyed it. Afterward, baths and bedtime for the kids and then Joey and I watched Top Chef and went to bed ourselves.

My mom texted me Saturday morning to ask how we all slept and I sent back a picture from my bed, on the floor of the kids’ room, so I guess that answers that πŸ˜… We also woke up to a lot of really wet snow! Once we all made it downstairs, I made us some waffles and really good Tender Belly bacon.

Ace Hardware was doing a lawn mower trade in that day and Joey had done some research, so we loaded up our old mower and headed over… to find a mile of cars a half mile long! We got in to see how quick it would move but after fifteen minutes, we’d only moved a few cars up, so we bailed and we’ll try again (and earlier!) next weekend. Headed to Target to trade in our infant car seat instead and it was much more successful than our first trade in attempt. I got that swivel! Back at home, Joey and I both got a run in and post nap/rest time, the kids drove me to Las Vegas πŸ˜‚ And then Joey made us a really good chicken and rice soup. Perfect for a snowy night! One last order of business before the kids went to bed: measuring Dempsey, because it was his half birthday! I can’t believe he’s closer to four then three now πŸ₯Ί Joey and I started You Hurt My Feelings but someone woke up inconsolable, so we had to call it quits and go to bed.

Sunday was my sister’s birthday and behold the difference in the weather between Saturday and Sunday!!! Lived in Colorado all my life, so I KNOW the weather can swing from one end of the spectrum to the other in spring, but it’s still hard to believe. Felt like I was in a funk all day but as soon as we got to the Botanic Gardens and saw all the beautiful tulips out in the fresh air, I felt instantly better. Gotta remember the power of the outdoors when I’m feeling discontent. We had such a nice time, then left around 5 to pick up Beau Thai for dinner back at our house. Chantilly for dessert and then everyone left and we spent too long getting our children to bed. Lydia has a cough/cold and I’m hoping that’s the reason she can’t seem to settle down for sleep on her own. It’s been rough! We did manage to finish our movie though and we both really liked it. Just a normal movie, with normal people and normal stakes.

Wishing you all a Happy Earth Day 🌎πŸ₯°