Weekend Things: Getting in the Spirit

There’s basically a 3-week window where I actually like fall.  I know, that sounds sacrilegious, considering the majority of the population lives for every single pumpkin-filled second of fall, but I do not dig any semblance of cold weather.  I mean I love a good sweater as much as the next person, but I’d rather that sweater be for decorative purposes only.

So as it gets further and further into fall and the temperatures continue to drop, I’ve felt the winter blahs coming on already.  But that’s not what this weekend was about.  It was blissfully pleasant weather-wise this weekend.  Crunchy leaves and vibrant yellow and red trees are everywhere.  And I decided I’d better get in the fall mood while the weather is still nice.

I bought these this week for a little craft project.  Totally typical Target purchase, right?

Oh my god.  That picture just keeps getting better every time I look at it.  I’m just not really sure why Target thinks vampires have one longer tooth in the middle of their mouths.  I gave this one to my parents but I have 4 more tiny cute pumpkins to carve up for myself.

I hadn’t made pancakes in so long so when I woke up on Saturday morning, I made a batch of pumpkin pancakes.  This post is really pumpkin-y already, isn’t it?  All I did was google “pumpkin pancakes” and used this recipe, which was the first search result and had 1447 reviews and 4.5 stars.  Sounded trustworthy to me.

They tasted like pie.  Which is obviously fine with me.  And there’s leftovers.  Which is also obviously fine with me.

The weather was perfect for pumpkin picking so we headed to the pumpkin patch.  We go to the same one every year but we must have taken a different route once we got there because we had to weave through a bunch of really tall and really pokey grassy weedy stuff.  Let’s just say it didn’t feel good when I walked right into one and had to pull thorns out of my pants.

I actually had to put some elbow grease into cutting mine off the vine.  So did Joey but it was kind of a waste because we brought them home in the back of his truck and the stem broke off while we were driving.  Oopsie.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who suddenly thinks they need a bundle of dried out corn on the cob or a corn stalk when they see all that stuff set out at the pumpkin patch.  Also note that a couple had put their baby inside one of these crates of mini pumpkins just to the right of my picture.

I also got a mani/pedi with what I decided is a fall color.

We ended Saturday night with a housewarming/cocktail party at my friends Jenn and Alyssa’s new place.  Their fall decorations and the spread of food was too cute, and I have no idea why I didn’t take any pictures even of us girls!  I wasn’t in my right mind 😛

Yesterday’s weather was equally breathtaking.  I’m going to enjoy the next few days of sunshine and warmth before this hits on Friday.

I’m so not ready.

Happy Monday!


Do you mind colder weather?

What are you doing to get into the fall/Halloween spirit?

What did you do this weekend?