Weekend Things

Wow, we had such a good week/weekend, celebrating Joey’s birthday and Opening Day for the Rockies! Good weather, good food and just a lot of time with family. It was the best πŸ₯° But it has been a BUSY ten days and I’m so ready for a normal week and a boring weekend. I think the kids and I will be recovering for at least a few days (especially Miss Lydi, who came down with a little spring cold late last week and is just starting to feel better)!

My mother-in-law was so kind and offered to still take the kids Friday morning before we headed out to the game, but Joey and I decided to just work from home to save everyone some drive time. I didn’t have much work to do anyway, so we walked to the coffee shop and it was much chillier than I had anticipated! Warmed up for game time though and it was actually HOT in our seats in the sun. Having four children under four at a baseball game means no one is actually in their seats at the same time but we still made it through the 7th inning stretch, so I call it a success! I took Dempsey over to the little playground and had the hardest time dragging him away. I’m bummed we didn’t get a group photo before Adam, Lauren and Landon left, but we managed to get one of the rest of the great grandkids with Grandpa Dave at least πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜ Back at home, we were all SWEATY AND TIRED. I dashed out to pick up dinner and missed the walk off grand slam!!!! The kids were too tired to even eat dinner and Lydi was literally in bed by 6:15, but what a fun day!

That poor girl slept to badly because she was all congested, but we still got up and made waffles. The kids kept coming into the kitchen to grab a bite of waffle then didn’t want any once we sat down at the table 😀 Lori and Lauren picked Lydi and I up at 10, so we could head to Courtney’s bridal shower. Lyds fell asleep in the car but then rallied for the shower and had all kinds of fun wandering around, holding hands with Amelia and “helping” open presents. It was a very nice shower and I’m excited to celebrate Courtney and Philip’s wedding next month 🀍

Back at home, the boys had been crafting at Home Depot and lunching at Chick-fil-A and were at home playing. Joey went downstairs to run on the treadmill and both kids were literally crawling all over me while he was down there πŸ˜‘ By the time he came up, Dempsey was throwing himself on the ground and saying I was “a mean girl” because I wouldn’t let him slide down my leg anymore. He took them upstairs so I could be free to start dinner and then when I went upstairs to visit them, Lydi fell asleep in my arms and it was about this point that I decided all her sneezing and stuffiness was a cold and not allergies 😒 Sloppy Joes for dinner and a picture of Dempsey crying because I “didn’t make a good dinner,” even though he went on to eat the entire thing πŸ€ͺ Got those babies to bed and watched The Amazing Race and the beginning of SNL before getting into bed ourselves.

Another super restless night for Lydi but up and at em for one last birthday celebration for Joey! My mom made a really good breakfast spread (plus fruit salad by my sis). He got a ski gear bag and a pizza oven, the latter of which I’m really excited to use myself πŸ˜‹ Joey (and Wayne) left with the kids and my mom, my sis and I headed out to do some serious shoe shopping. I almost bailed because Lydia had been having a hard time sleeping without someone holding her and I knew Joey would be on his own with both kids, but I’m so glad I went. Not only did I leave with a whole bag of shoes, but it was really nice spending some time, just us ladies. My mental health felt revived by it πŸ₯°πŸ₯° Back at home, Dempsey and I did a puzzle, Lydi took a nap and then Demps helped me cook dinner. He’s my best sous chef, for real! And dinner turned out really good. Thai yellow curry with beef and potatoes that all four of us chowed down on. Got the kids to bed and watched the series finale of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Joey foresaw the ending, but not quite. We laughed a lot! Happy Monday, to you all πŸ˜„