Happy Birthday to My Love

On Monday night I kept waking up mid-thought about a post for Joey’s birthday — told you my brain doesn’t rest!!! — but when I actually woke up the next morning, I realized what had been a brilliant idea in my sleep, actually made no sense.  Don’t you hate that?  So instead, I’ll just be dedicating this post to my better half.


You are my favorite person in the whole wide world.

I adore you and I can’t even count the number of times a day that I think about how lucky I am.

Thank you for being there to remind me not to take life so seriously.  For encouraging me to eat ice cream whenever possible.  For never judging me for when I dance to the music that our dishwasher plays when it’s at the end of the cycle.  For dancing with me to the music that our dishwasher plays when it’s at then end of the cycle.  And basically for being the most perfect human being I’ve ever known.

photoHappy Birthday!!!!!!

Will you marry me?  Oh wait… 😛