Breakfast Basics: Whipped Banana Oatmeal

Joey’s breakfast repertoire consists of two things.  1) Cereal — which he then complains about hating and 2) An egg sandwich — which is delicious but also a rarity because it takes longer to make than just pouring cereal into a bowl.  That’s all, folks!  So when he offered to make me breakfast the other day and I asked, “you know how to make oatmeal??” the answer was a sad sad “oh…no…”  Wah, wah.

So this “recipe” is for Joey mainly, but also for you if you need to up your oatmeal game or just need to get into the oatmeal game (Mom).  This is your go-to.  Your base.  Your fall back.  It’s the one, the only, whipped banana oatmeal.


Whipped Banana Oatmeal (serves 1)

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/2 banana, sliced thin
  1. In a small pot, bring water to a boil.
  2. Add oats, salt and banana slices, then turn heat to medium and cook until thickened, stirring occasionally to break up banana slices.

That’s it?  That’s it.  K, cool.  I feel pretty accomplished after writing that lengthy recipe.  I’ll just sit back and wait for my cookbook deal to come through.  But seriously, I hope this helped someone somewhere.  Especially you, Joey 🙂

P.S. Do not forget to jazz it up with some killer toppings.  My always and forever favorite toppings are granola and peanut butter.   Yeah, I guess that’s oats on top of oats, but it’s also totally texturally different and delicious.  Just do it!

What is your go to weekday breakfast?

3 thoughts on “Breakfast Basics: Whipped Banana Oatmeal

  1. Certainly not slimy oatmeal. Grits, cream of wheat, bacon and egg sammie…almost anything other than oatmeal. Though there are plenty of other oatmeal eater at our house. And whenever Bean or Wayne cook banana oatmeal, I wake up thinking someone has baked me cake for breakfast — my absolute favorite.

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